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How Much does it cost?
  • A 90-day posting is only $250

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    PREMIUM POSITIONS appear in slider boxes (like the one to the right) located on the home and search pages. In addition, a Premium button will display with each premium post on the front page, search results, and job details page.

  • Diversity Tag your postition as "DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION POSITION" specific for only $69

    Hundreds of our daily email receivers have told us they are especially interested in DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION POSITIONS. Adding this option to your post purchase not only adds a Diversity tag to you post title everywhere on the site, but we also send a special weekly DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION email once a week for 3 weeks only to those job seekers who have indicated interest in DEI positions.

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Why post at (formerly PICC)?
Moments after you submit a ad:

  1. Your job ad is POSTED on our website! More than 5,000 University and College Counseling JOB SEEKERS visit our site monthly

  2. We TWEET your job ad on Twitter to more than current 200 twitter followers

Shortly after you posted an ad:

  1. Your job ad was EMAILED to more than 7,000 current job seekers

  2. Premium Placement job ads were emailed to more than 7,000 current job seekers repeatedly for 7 days

To maximize exposure of your job ads, we directly promoted ads on with:

  1. American College Counseling Association (ACCA) members

  2. Association of Psychology Predoctoral Internship Center ( APPIC) training directors

  3. The Association of College Counseling Training Agencies ( ACCTA) members

  4. Academic faculty members teaching in counseling and clinical psychology(APA accredited programs)

  5. American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) members

  6. NASPA(Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) members

AND We promoted ads on by sponsoring and exhibiting at conferences such as:

  1. Association of College Counseling Training Agencies ( ACCTA) conference

  2. American College Counseling Association (ACCA) Conference

  3. Association of University and College Counseling Directors ( AUCCCD) conference

  4. Big Ten Counseling Centers conference

  5. Northeastern College Counseling Directors (NECCD) conference

  6. NASPA Strategies conference

  7. American College Health Association (ACHA) conference

  8. Pacific Coast College Health Association (PCCHA) conference

At, we are devoted to helping outstanding job applicants connect with you.